Welcome to the wonderful world of Epchar,

Epchar is the universe where many of realms meet.


Dark Elf

The Dark Elf was written and created for the purpose of teaching elven folklore to the world and about why the elven civilization fell to darkness, informing the world to never stray down the “Dark Path…!” Showing examples of what leads one down a path of Darkness. The book was also written to reveal knowledge and the presence of Mythical Creatures for entertainment purposes and a Magical conquest.

So our story begins in book one a journey with a good-natured elf who has to choose between heroism or succumbing to darkness after being unwittingly led down a path of evil, soon succumbing to the manipulation of the Grim Reaper. He faces three main challenges that change him from being an Elf of Light to the Dark Elf. After gaining the powers of darkness, he realizes that he has many many more challenges to face in his destiny, resulting in an all out series of quests.

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Those that seek power seeks out the Tattooo

Here it is, the masterpiece that was offered $500,000 for ownership rights!

The book that wows its audience, the TATTOOO One spectacular day is all that was needed… On December 21, 2012, something extraordinary happened. A thing that general society did not believe in or see coming. There are the chosen ones with the special blood of the “Old Ones,” then there is the rest of the population with little faith that thinks those chosen Ones are crazy and discredit them. But little does Society know, the infinite possibilities of truth beyond their wildest imagination was about to take place right before them, then it unfolds… One Eerie event sets the stage in this sci-fi, fantasy, love triangle, drama.

The planets of our Solar System aligns which brings many realms together, awakening and calling forth a new wave of super heroes and super villains. This rare alignment causes the TATTOOO realm to come closest to our realm, bringing the secrets of the TATTOOO to surface that have been hidden and locked away for millennia, reigning down on a select few giving them TATTOOO powers.

Our hero of the story is a man named Keen, he is a good looking twenty-four years old white male with blue eyes that lives a pretty basic life. Keen thinks that he is a “normal” man in society with no real talent except Martial Arts. He works a nine to five job at a meat factory, has a pretty basic studio apartment, and lives the life of a bachelor.

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The T.A.T.T.O.O.O.
(The T.A.T.T.O.O.O. Saga Book 1)


Shovel Man

There are many of things that can happen when something of the living perishes and becomes of the non-living, also known as the dead. The act of a soul losing attachment with its body and physical flesh, being free to roam into the unknown… As a body becomes lifeless and ceases movements as it prepares to decompose and break down, changing form. This is recognized as your body or shell dying in the physical realm, sending your soul into the spiritual realm. A cognitive reality…

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